The reason that this obviously unbalanced woman’s statement is out there is because this order calling for it’s release from Judge Lester:
In this Courts opinion, application of the McCrary test requires the disclosure of this statement. The public discussion relating to this case indicates that the Defendants attitude towards race may be an issue at trial. Adding this statement to the discourse will simply be another piece of the puzzle to be relied upon by those who want to believe that there was a racial motive to the shooting, and will be dismissed by those who claim there is no such motive.
What the hell is this judge talking about??? There was no racial accusation in this against George Zimmerman. Lester released it because of the selacious nature of the sexual accusations that have no bearings on this case before him and because, and because it would further damage the Zimmerman family who he is out to get.
The judge and DA are race-baiters and have their *agenda*; screw the truth and legal system.