Why do they keep trotting out this BS with the wildly optimistic recovery rates on oil that is locked in shale and has to be heated for years to extract? Pure rubbish.
Conservatives have a bad habit of getting so focused on one thing that they can’t see anything else.
If been trying to get people to support lifting the great lakes directional drilling ban for a year or so but nobody cares because it isn’t fracking, the Keystone pipeline, or Marcellus shale, so who cares.
Your misinformed. Thanks to improved seismic assessments and better horizontal drilling technologies the country can drill ~100% productive new wells in from 2 weeks in Central Texas to 4 weeks in North Dakota Bakken Area.
See the EIA Monthly Data, http://www.eia.gov/totalenergy/data/monthly/pdf/sec3_3.pdf. Total hydrocarbon imports are down from ~13.7 on average in 2005/6 to 10.7 mmB/d and net imports on average are down from ~12.5 in 2005 to 7.8 mmB/d today. And, this is without shale production in the Blue states or Alaska where production persists in declining.
None of this production is from tar sands where commercial production is limited to Alberta/BC only. The bottom line is that tremendous economic recovery could occur under Romney if he is elected and is bright enough to capture the opportunity to facilitate and not obstruct further development.