If Obama wins, kiss that GOP House goodbye.
In more than one way! Some say the House is already gone. I mean, what good is it if the President can by-pass it? Might as well bring our congressmen back home to become civilians and be forced to live in the country they helped create. Save some tax dollars for Obama's Amnesty program.
As far as the electoral goes, if Romney loses it is because not enough from our side went to vote. That means our side will sacrifice wins in Congress.
It sounds easy to say "Oh I will go and just vote for my congressman but that rarely happens. They stay home.
>> If Obama wins, kiss that GOP House goodbye.
This is my concern. Obama and the Media will continue the campaign into 2014 disparaging the GOP controlled Houses as being obstructive and counter-productive. We’ve heard it before — we know how this template gets played out.
With an Obama reelection, it is indeed a possibility the 2nd half of his 2nd term will have full Democrat control once again.