To: HiTech RedNeck
Amazing that it is ... reportedly ... at 50-50. Amazing that 50% of American Voters are interested enough in this jive-ass teleprompter jockey to actually consider voting for him ... again.
Somethin' ain't right with this story. Either that, or you can e-mail me in Tierra del Fuego after November. Come on. We're Americans. We couldn't be this stupid. Could we?
43 posted on
07/15/2012 8:46:15 PM PDT by
Kenny Bunk
(So, Scalia, Alito, Thomas, and FU Roberts can't figure out if Obama is a Natural Born Citizen?)
To: Kenny Bunk
Yes we are. Well not FReepers but we have to remember we are the 1%. I teach and I can tell you the kids are dumb as rocks.
I have high school students who do not know the difference between a city and a state. I am not kidding.
I asked name three major cites in the south. Answers, Georgia, Florida, Texas. Yes they are that dumb.
I showed Gladiator one day. They asked how they made a moved so long ago????? They are not kidding they are serious.
I have repeatedly talked to many others around here and my main point is that the whole edifice of our country is in shambles. Politics is the most visible but the rot extends to the whole nation.
MY friend teaches at a law school. She has to constantly tell her students to turn off their phones etc. They act like they are in high school. LAW STUDENTS.
Our infrastructure is falling apart and it is getting harder and harder to find qualified people to fill jobs.
We gratuate fewer and fewer PhD’s in the hard sciences.
Well enough of the rant.
Hope you are doing ok.
56 posted on
07/16/2012 8:19:26 AM PDT by
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