Thanks for your reply. His family wasn’t indulgent, though. He had a disciplined and structured environment, and was deeply religious through his teens, a period when he showed no romantic or sexual proclivities in either direction. His being seemed as deeply engrained as the color of his hair. He had it rough there for awhile after high school and his first year of college, in the way people treated him, but now, entering into middle age, has become successful in his field, and has had the same partner for a good long while. I still pray for him every day.
The gay guy I work out with every so often said he never had any attraction to women whatsoever even in middle school and HS when guys are about their horniest. I work out at a gym with some super hot women in revealing clothes (yoga pants and sport bras) and he has zero interest in them. Nothing. I don't get it but this is why homosexuality is such a complicated issue.