As late as the mid 1980’s, the United States Government used to sponsor NRA High-Power matches through the Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) which was run by an Army Officer in Washington DC. I remember shooting in them then. DCM would issue the shooters a bandolier of Lake City M2 Ball ammunition if we had an M1 Garand, and we were allowed to keep the bandoliers, brass & clips after the match. I still have some of that stuff. Congresswoman Pat Schroeder (D Colorado) had it all closed down because she and her leftist cabal didn’t think it appropriate for the government to give ammunition to civilians. What a country we once had.
“What a country we once had.”
That about says it all; it bears no resemblance at all to when I was the age of my children today. Reagan was president, Communism was evil, deviants stayed under their rocks...