I suspect that the ‘rats planned to hurt the economy to help get Obunghole in. I seem to remember that the whole crash started with Scmucky Schumer publishing his concerns that the IndyMAC bank was insolvent and starting a run on it. I don’t think it is a coincidence that the crash occurred shortly before the election. I believe that is exactly when the ‘rats wanted it and they did what they could to get it to happen then. It mat have been worse then they planned but I believe they did orchestrate it As other posters have noted, Bush tried to warn the nation about Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac but was shouted down by excoriated for it by the usual ‘Rat suspects. I believe the whole housing bubble and crash, starting with Clinton’s CRA enforcement in the 1990s and ending with the crash is a mostly democRAT operation.
I suspect that the rats planned to hurt the economy to help get Obunghole in.
Right, Bush had no responsibility for what went on while he was president. Even the no-down-payment loans that he promoted - he’s not responsible!
Sorry, but I believe in accountability. In fact, I believe that’s one of the things that distinguish conservatives from liberals, a belief that people (including presidents) are accountable for what they do.