No possible chemical reaction can provide the level of energy measured.
My simple calculations show that's not the case.
Your "simple calculations" aren't worth the electrons it took to generate them. In a word, they are "simplistic", as are your assumptions. There have been several demonstrations, all well documented, and run at different power levels. Your calculations may well be true for one case, but the assumed "fake" has to explain ALL the different runs. In particular, the overnight run done by Rossi and Levi, would require a far higher energy component and makes the introduction of such a component virtually impossible. The coolant water in that case was taken directly from the buildings water mains, run through a totalizing flowmeter, and into and through the E-cat.
Since you appear to be pretty ignorant of chemistry, you don't realize that Rossi would have had to come up with MULTIPLE DIFFERENT fakes to explain the data from all the runs. This is probably a harder task than getting the E-Cat to actually produce power from fusion.
But keep trying.....eventually you will actually learn something.