Why? Haven't things been getting better under Harper or is that the reason?
A carbon tax has one advantage: It is effectively a sales tax that is easier and less invasive to collect but for one use I can think of: How do they collect a carbon tax from people who heat their homes with wood?
I was referring to our provincial government — Harper is federal. I should have made that more clear.
“How do they collect a carbon tax from people who heat their homes with wood? “
They don’t, nor should they. Firewood isn’t a fossil fuel — new trees take the CO2 out of the atmosphere, as quickly as old ones are burned up.
Electricity mostly escapes the carbon tax here; on the basis that it’s mostly hydro generated. That wouldn’t be the case in most places.
You are right about the ease of collecting the tax — it’s much cheaper to administer than a cap and trade scheme would be.