I very much disagree with this sort of reasoning. It is exactly the same as the "any Democrat is better than any Republican" line I've heard elsewhere.
Furthermore, it supposes that Romney will nominate people who are substantially different than the sort Obama will; they are both socialists, both statists, therefore it is absurd to think that one would choose to nominate a person of an inherently different caliber than the other. Furthermore, it utterly discounts that w/o the senate's approval the nomination is useless; that is, if we had a strong senate even the worst of Presidents could not put a bad justice on the Supreme Court.
Any Republican is better than Obama. A vote for Goode is a vote that Obama won’t need to win. Those are the facts.
If you don’t live in a swing state, be my guest and vote for Mickey Mouse if you want. No harm done and you can send a message. If you are in a state that might decide our next President and the next three SCOTUS justices, hold your nose and vote for Romney.