Anyone that thinks conservatism is going to be advanced by voting for a liberal Republican has lost his mind. Liberal Republicans advance liberalism. And, we can't afford eight more years of Romney or another Democrat while the country moves to the left and all the gains we made in 2010 are wiped by a failed Romney President. Thinking that is acceptable and not worse than four more years of a lame-duck Obama Presidency is insane.
You have learned nothing from two failed Bush Presidencies. And, Romney is far more liberal and dishonest than George W. Bush ever was.
Scott Walker in 2016 because we can't wait eights for a conservative to ascend to the White House.
Kaz, Lake has adopted the ‘lost their mind’ meme and uses it whenever one of us shoes the fallacy of his ‘logic’. I don’t know when he snapped, but he used to be a straight up conservative.
He’s now on the roof with the dog riding right off the conservative reservation. But He’ll be happy to explain to you that you, me and any like us advocating sticking to principle are the problem, not the solution.
Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder.
That you guys don't know the difference is astonishing. And quite honestly very stupid.
I hope you enjoy trying to reelect Hugo Chavez Jr. I'm sure he'll be totally restrained during his second term....../s