I don't know how many conservatives you think you speak for but morality is at the very core of conservatism and is closely linked to fiscal conservatism. You certainly seem to be advocating a "big tent republican party", that tent is already too big allowing people like mittens to represent it, it doesn't need the 1%-2% of the population that practices faggotry in our midst.
Don't like Ron Paul..and you can be moral and don't care about gay rights
I'm not even sure what that means but you cannot be moral and not care about the issue of queer marriage and queers adopting children. Those issues are very real moral issues and conservatives do indeed "care" about them.
People like you LJ have done more to tear conservatives apart and help reelect obama.
That is nothing but an outright lie and the name calling that followed that statement is liberalism, plain and simple.
We get it, you don't care about morality.
What is morality is not up for a vote, not subject to individuals’ whims, not debatable, and there is no sliding scale or grading curve. Morality is not decided by polls or popularity, it doesn’t change with the times, and it doesn’t evolve.
And people when are immoral in their so-called private lives, oddly enough that immorality seeps through and taints everything they touch. And vice versa, I might add.