Here in Mexifornia, I don’t think my vote counts a whole lot in the National elections. It is a one party state. Oh, I could vote for Romney, but it is a little like spitting into the wind.
Yeah, I know. What to do?
The Democrats are running a Communist.
The Republicans are running a Socialist.
So the best case is that we get Romney”care,” which will morph into Obama”care” the next time a Democrat wins the WH.
I am doing my small part in encouraging the Convention Delegates to vote ABSTAIN on the first Ballot.
Then at least we have a chance to beat Obama. Otherwise Romney will lose to Obama by 10 %.
BTW, how many National Elections does the Republican Party have to lose before they realize that when their GOP Elite endorse a Liberal Republican that they are guaranteeing that they will lose to ANY Democrat in November?
Maybe they never heard of Einstein.