I don't see that happening, either, quite frankly. Dissent with both major candidates might be able to reach ten percent, but we are not seeing anything close to that in the polling. Plus, only winning with a plurality didn't slow Clinton down his first two years.
Providence, God, has blessed us with a unique opportunity -- for once, voting third party creates virtually no risk of seeing an Obama majority win, so to waste this opportunity and vote FOR putting a fully confirmed big government statist in charge of the Republican party -- and risking a landslide!!! -- would be ... well, in retrospect people would say, "How could they have been so STOOOOPID? Didn't they see the opportunity they had?"
There is much more danger in a Romney landslide than seeing Obama re-elected under such humiliating circumstances as having two in three votes cast against him in the popular vote. A Republican, conservative-emboldened Congress (and conservatives would have a MAJOR victory if Romney lost), with the support of an American majority so disgusted with Obama that two thirds voted against him, would be able to stop Obama -- he is a mere mortal, not Obama the Great and Powerful Oz.
On the other hand, as de facto head of the Republican party and supported by moderates and Republicans seeking favor with the new president, as well as Democrats on board with the liberal agenda Romney WOULD push, Romney would ensure weakened minority status for conservatives. Romney, paradoxically, would make it so conservatives would be disarmed in opposing the advance of liberalism.
You can let polls tell you how to vote if you want, but I'm letting common sense tell me the smartest way to vote. And in this unusual convergence of circumstances, where both candidates are particularly weak, common sense says to vote in a way that takes advantage of it. It's a risk -- it's all a risk, but the outcome either way of a third party vote minimizes the biggest risk -- that of a Romney landslide -- and maximizes conservatives' chances of weakening whichever president gets in office.