The majority of the people in Iran are pro western. These people live in mortal fear of their own government and with good cause they are afraid. However, these same people will stand up and fight (particularly the students) if they have a chance of success.
1. Take out the civilian, theocratic and military leadership with air strikes from cruise missles.
2. Take out tanks and armoured carriers that can be used for crowd suppression and any flying military assets they have.
3. Supply the good guys with weapons.
4. Repeat as necessary.
That's what we heard about Iraqis before we sent our troops in. 5000 dead GI's later, we know better, after being evicted by a democratically-elected majority of the Iraqi legislature. Heck, neo-cons were telling us that Arab Spring participants were a pro-American majority who would cast off the anti-American propaganda supposedly being fed to them by the leaders they were toppling. Turns out that it was the Arab Spring masses who have this white-hot hatred for us, and their leaders who were appeasing them with the occasional verbal broadside at Uncle Sam. Still, I don't disagree that we should flatten Iran's nuclear facilities.