The Food Stamp program has little to do with helping the “poor” and everything to do with paying out big money to agricultural businesses. Just try to curtail any program or subsidy that benefits farmers or big ag businesses, and you will see so-called conservative lawmakers fight it tooth and nail. Most government programs benefit the wealthy and toss crumbs to the poor. The liquor and cigs are updated versions of bread and circuses.
“The liquor and cigs are updated versions of bread and circuses.” Top original wriiting of the day! Never thought of it quite that way. Well said, Pining_’ PS, I long for the FL Keys, finally moving back next month! Hope you get back to TX.
Hmmm, that is a new angle to me (agricultural payoff) when you are talking about the poor and their benefits.
I can of course see that it is a problem for all (taxes etc.A) but I’ve never heard of anyone specifically blaming the benefits to the agriculture business.
Okay, so please tell me how that works? Do you think that farmers should receive subsidies?
Really not sure where you stand here...are you for taxes reduced on all or just on farmers and ag businesses?
You sound like a Democrat with your rant though... Programs for the wealthy and problems for the poor farmers, ag businesses, and liquor sellers (just kidding there).
Just what are you advocating?