Not until the government builds a wall around America.
Doctors will just leave and go to a nation that allows 'em to make a good living.
While the doctor's pay plummets and their expenses skyrocket, the trial lawyers still have year round open season and no limits.
Yep...hubby and I have joked in the past about level A, B and C docs. The A docs will definitely retire or flee, as will most of the B docs...that will leave the remainder of the B docs and the C docs. Ouch.
“While the doctor’s pay plummets and their expenses skyrocket, the trial lawyers still have year round open season and no limits.”
Hah. Wait till people figure out that you can NOT sue the government and that, like in military medicine, there is simply no suing on;s MD for malpractice.
The only recourse a military patient has is the media who love anti military stories. The media will ignore all anti obamacare stories.
The doctors willl be of poor caliber and there will be no recourse.