the Affordable Care Act has 300+ pages detailing how the US goverment will control and regulate the industry as well as force participation of the citizens in the federal governments regulation of what is a wide range of PUBLIC entities.
The governement regulation and control of public entities IN THIS MANNER is not authorized under the general welfare clause or the interstate commerce clause and certainly does not fit the enumerated powers.
I blame the five "justices" who did not do their job of interpreting constitutionality, but instead twisted a morsel of fabricated fact (that it is a tax contrary to what the content of the bill details) in order to justify their personal paradigm of socialism.
Even if it is in fact a tax is not their business, taxation is certainly at the discretion of congress. the issue in question was this ; does congress have the authority to regulate public entities and force the people to fund their imposition ?
it is exactly the same as if they passed "the Affordable Car Act", forcing a tax in order to make you buy a car, with 300 pages detailing how they will control each car company and how they will decide what car you will have , the fact that it is funded by a tax does NOT address the constitutionality of the act but is merly a deflection and dereliction of the duties of a cheif justice
Affordable Energy Act, forcing compliance in using only E-Star rated appliances. Cast out your old A/C, fridge, teevee, radio, computer, etc and CONSUME, CONSUME, CONSUME. Gaia demands it.