Ah, but you forgot one thing that WILL happen if this OBamacare is not repealed.
See Romney is likely to be reaching across the aisles because while he’s all we got, we know he’s a liberal, we don’t much like him.
But he’s got four years and I predict as soon as he begins reaching across aisles and becomes a RINO, the Tea Party will be activated.
Four years will be plenty of time to form a cohesive third party, goodness we got started on it already but wisely stepped aside for our two party system to work.
We got Romney.
Still and so we’ll wait, we’ll see, Romney knows how to wave his finger to see where the wind wafts.
Come the elections of 2016 if Romney disappoints, there WILL be a third party.
Yes I know all the pitfalls of third parties but if the two parties you got are both the same, what we got to lose?
So while you’re right, the Republicans might likely do nothing about OBamacare...but I do think there will be major consequences.
Just a hunch.