Excellent ad.
It’s only beginning. Wasn’t at all for Romney during the primary, but mittens is gonna get nasty wit’ Bro-bama.....aka Afro-bama.
I think Romney knows what Mccain and his ignorant lackeys (Wallace and Schmidt) could never figure out. That you have to go right at this guy.
Yup...if your opponent brings fists, you bring a knife...if he’s got a knife, you bring a gun...he’s got a gun, you bring a tank.
Romney’s gotta take off the gloves and not be afraid of callin this guy out.
-——you have to go right at this guy (Obamuzzie)-—that’s absolutely right and it reminds me of a phrase I haven’t heard in years. The guy’s got a “glass jaw”-—he’s a sniveler who can’t take a punch and it hurts his feelings when anyone throws one. But Romney didn’t come this far to make it easy on Odumpster so it is going to be fun to watch.
I agree. Excellent ad. Romney is a pit-bull and will tear up Obama, especially in the debates.
On the flip side (no pun intended), the Democraps will dredge up everything that was said against Romney by the primary contestants and there is lots of fodder there.
Bomney is an empty suit. I will never vote for him. The establishment tried to cram him down our throat. He will lose just like McAmnesty.He is far behind as we speak. There is no there there and he is the father of the insurance mandate. What a horrible candidate.