We must wake up! the Supream Court is now a branch of the White House. The liberal judges have won. We must put aside our differences and vote the Democrat/Progressives out or we will have no more USA. We must not only vote them out but break their back—They must be rendered impotent! Then we must root out the corruption in the media—if we must burn every Left wing newspaper to the ground.
Think—What will you do when Obama is re-elected? What will you do when the UN rules over an unarmed nation? What happens when the Supreme Court knocks down the 2nd amendment? You thought Syria was bad—the day will come when Americans will flee south to Mexico for freedom.
We must wake up! the Supream Court is now a branch of the White House. The liberal judges have won.
Oh brother. Out of all the cases that the Supreme Court has ruled on recently, this is the only one we lost...We didn’t really lose Arizona. We won the campaign finance and many others.....You guys act like we are getting ripped off. If you count up how many cases the Supreme Court has gone our way in recent years, we would be way ahead.