My Dad did this to his wife, apparently he stopped for gas at like 1am, and she was asleep in the backseat.. he went inside bought some coffee, and paid for the gas, came back out and drove off thinking she was still in the back seat asleep. Apparently she had gotten out of the car while he was in the store and gone to the bathroom, and was still in there when he drove off.
Needless to say, I am sure after realizing this a few hours later and driving back to pick her back up, that the rest of the trip was joyous times.
“My Dad did this to his wife...”
My Dad did this to Mom. She was in labor with my younger brother. I guess Dad was still the nervous/excitable type. Anyways, he took her suitcase, put it in the car, started the car up and LEFT. Mom was standing on the front porch. He made it half way to the hospital when he realized Mom wasn’t answering any of his questions. Fortunately, her labors were long and they had time to spare.
I bet it was. He was likely very pissed off having to drive back all that way to pick her up after she didn't bother to alert him to the rather important fact she was using the facilities.