We watched this while eating lunch.
My wife, not usually political and seldom says much at all but having an uncanny ability to get the big stuff and state the eventual outcome in pithy ways, gasped at what Brewer said, covered her mouth with both hands and said, “This is awful. Obama will have to retaliate against her.” I felt a chill.
I think what happened today is terrible. Both sides are declaring victory. Both sides now feel they are justified in any action they take by a ruling of the Supreme Court and that whatever action they take in this regard is supported by the law. Only horrible consequences usually attend such a situation.
No way to sugar coat this, we lost. There is no more rule of law in this country and IMO, people should feel free to just regard the laws they wish to regard. If the place unravels, so be it but his is what happens when one elects a dictator and those in the legislature kowtow to special interests.
‘Only horrible consequences usually attend such a situation.’