Criminal kid “staying” (they never live anywhere) with the baby daddy casing out the next place to rob is followed by someone. That someone turns to leave and criminal follows him and physically assaults him.
If GZ wanted to murder someone, why does he wait until he gets beat up and potentially unconscious with a complex full of witnesses to then fire off one shot?
This is a political maneuver by the prosecutor appointed for this reason. The charges should be knocked out by the stand your ground motion. Prepare for the riots that will follow ANY verdict.
How does race enter into it at all? Hispanic kills black in self defense is somehow symptomatic of an entire culture??
No. It’s an opportunity for the race hustlers who feared a white country elected a black president would put them all out of business. This is a “we still need black studies affirmative action race card can still be played” moment to exploit.
“If GZ wanted to murder someone,....”
then why would he call the cops first?
That’s the response I use to any of the Martin sympathizers when they say “How do you know Zimmerman didn’t have malicious intent when he followed Trayvon?”. So far, I haven’t gotten a single response.
David Ehrenstein, the black gay Jewish Velvet Underground historian out in L.A. who coined the nick "Magic Negro" for Obama in an early 2007 article in the Los Angeles Times, was making exactly that point. "Magic Negro" meant that Obama's "immaculation" would tend to reduce the store of playable white guilt -- which of course was undesirable from the POV of a black Jewish "Gay PC Terrorist", which was Ehrenstein's own tagline on Salon's "TableTalk" 12 years ago.