The same with Obomas illegal workers permits. Millions of American citizens are unemployed - especially blacks. These people cannot be happy about this.
Every state without a liberal dictatorship voted down homosexual "marriage". Not one voted for it. His coming out in support of perversion will not go well for him, either.
Then there's forcing Catholics to support the brutal dismemberment of human infants while they're still alive from their mothers womb. Not good for Oboma.
I think his poll numbers are a LOT worse than reported. He's reaching out to the far left fringe, and pushing all others aside.
Are they all he has left to count on? This is a middle right country, yet Oboma is doing everything outside the mainstream. Who is he campaigning to?
I so hope you are right.
The repeated rejection of the homosexual agenda by voters even in our most liberal states is one of the few hopeful signs I see for the future of America.