The US has fought hundreds of wars, exactly how many depends on what you classify as a war.
We have formally declared war exactly 5 times, and not since 1941.
In all the "UN-declared" wars we have lost approximately 120,000 lives with close to 330,000 wounded.
For what? A draw, a loss, and the verdict is still out on the latest two - OIF and OEF.
And here we have yet another Neo-con boasting how he will bypass Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution once again.
Words simply escape me - that can be posted under Jim's guide lines anyway!
Hamilton noted in the early 1800s that were the US to initiate offensive action (in the absence of a prior attack or threat, as the belligerent party), then the Congressional Declaration of War is required as the US intends to disrupt an existing peaceful condition between Nations. If the US is responding to a prior attack, a state of war already exists, and Congressional action, while desirable for the purposes of mobilizing the Nation, is not so much a requirement. ("Examination of Jeffersons Message to Congress of December 7, 1801 (No. I)", a commentary on Jefferson's letter regarding the action against the Barbary Pirates, at: Alexander Hamilton, The Works of Alexander Hamilton, (Federal Edition), vol. 8 [1774], The Online Library of Liberty (A project of the Liberty Fund, Inc.), at " The same reasoning, given the circumstances at the time, could also be applied to non-state actors (such as Al-Qaeda). Of course, pirates (at the time), like the Islamo-fascist terrorists we face today, were considered to be "outside the law", and all rules applicable to State actors (other Nations) could be disregarded. Like shooting a rabid dog....