Had coffee with someone you consider a “pathological liar” for 18 years? Maybe that means *you* changed your mind, but won’t believe anyone else could.
I doubt Romney hangs out much in Tennessee or that you “know” him better than anyone else on FR..
Read the article about the “conversion.” Are you calling Dr. Willke a liar or “a fool?”
I'm calling anyone who believes anything the man says in the quest for the Presidency to be either #1, blindly partisan (and hence willing to overlook facts), #2, being paid off for their support, or #3, a fool.
But don't you fret none, honey, it ain't like Willke is the first person to have been hosed by a master con-artist.
Here's that ardent "pro-lifer" Willard being dragged kicking and screaming into signing off on cheap abortions and Socialist medicine. Can't you just see how heartbroken he is here ?