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Marco Rubio says he would come to the U.S. illegally if he had to
ABC News ^
| June 19, 2012
| Chris Moody
Posted on 06/19/2012 5:55:13 AM PDT by raulgomez05
Hypothetically, if Marco Rubio were not an American citizen and could not provide food for his family, he says he would cross the border illegally to come to the United States.
While discussing immigration policy in his new memoir, An American Son, Rubio called for "common decency" in dealing with undocumented immigrants and said that if put in a similar position as those who are fleeing destitution, he would break the law, too.
"Many people who come here illegally are doing exactly what we would do if we lived in a country where we couldn't feed our families," Rubio writes in his book, which went on sale Tuesday. "If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn't give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn't a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here."
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TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: 112th; aliens; elections; illegals; news; obama; palin; rino; romney; rubio; rubio2012
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To: AuntB
RE :”
This is what ticks me off most about the new immigrant...they refuse to stay and fight for their own nation, but Im supposed to believe they will stand by me to fight for mine?? Theyll take to the streets to bitch and whine about the laws of the USA, thats for sure!”
Rubio is Cuban and Cuban’s got a ‘get to go to the front of the line’ pass. So maybe it's like the immigrants who get free college then vote Dem because they think others should too. The guilt thing.
posted on
06/19/2012 1:47:12 PM PDT
(Romney is a liberal. Just watch him closely try to screw us.)
To: sitetest
Forgot to say that, however, I think this hypothetical has of virtually no relevance to the current immigration debate.
To: raulgomez05
He isn’t fit to hold any public job/office!
To: Road Glide
To be qualified to be president a person must have also been resident of the U.S. for 14 years.
posted on
06/19/2012 1:56:24 PM PDT
To: Trailerpark Badass
Dear Trailerpark Badass,
You don't think that at least some illegal immigrants to the United States from Latin America immigrate out of desperation to feed themselves or their families?
I don't know whether it's 10% or 40% or 80%, but I think it's a good guess that some significant, measurable number of these folks were struggling to keep body and soul together in their home countries.
As well, that really wasn't the question. That's a bit of "moving the goal posts." The question was whether Mr. Rubio's statement is a reasonable one, that if the only way he could feed his family would be to illegally enter the US, he would do so.
posted on
06/19/2012 1:56:52 PM PDT
(If Roe is not overturned, no unborn child will ever be protected in law.)
To: tsowellfan
They (the illegals and anybody who supports them) vote for democrats.
I have been saying this for years. I also have pure American born and raised friends of Mexican descent. Conservative as heck to talk to them, they despise illegals yet they still vote Democrat. Republicans are fooling themselves on this issue.
posted on
06/19/2012 1:57:30 PM PDT
To: ak267
Had enough, myself. Screw this poser.
To: freekitty
Why dont these illegals clean up their own countries, Rubio?Like he said, he'd rather flee his own crapped out country and illegally feed off the Americans than stay home and fix it.
Imagine if the Founding Fathers had taken the same attitude as this loser. We'd have Rubio representing the Canadian province of Florida in Parliament.
To: freekitty
posted on
06/19/2012 3:28:18 PM PDT
(Democrats are dangerous and evil. Republicans are just useless and useful idiots.)
To: dragnet2
Excuse me... when was Rick Perry president?
Are you trying to say that he could have closed the border while he is governor of Texas?
Like Jan Brewer can close the Arizona border.
Obviously, you’re way bitter on this subject but Rick Perry could and would have done something if he’d been nominated and elected president.
posted on
06/19/2012 3:47:24 PM PDT
To: ALPAPilot
What Rubio said was: "If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn't give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn't a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here."
To accuse him of advocation breaking the law, or to suggest that the statement is evidence that he does not respect the laws of U.S. is quite a stretch.
Unlike Obama's immigration fiat, Rubio has advocated changing the laws to make them (in his opinion) more just. Rubio is pointing out that sometimes civil laws are violated in order to abide by natural laws. Natural law requires that parents care for their children (cf. Blackstorne). Rubio is also pointing out that deporting those who enter the country through no fault of their own violates the Natural Law.
No stretch at all. He flat out said that there isn't a law that would stop him. Period. He would break the laws as they are and would change them so others could come pouring in as well - therefore not respecting the existing laws b/c he wants to overturn them. Just like Obama did, but perhaps legally instead, through Congress. Same result.
Sounds like you are also advocating breaking our laws because your 'Natural Law' comes first, before any sovereign nation's law. I disagree with this completely as well. There are millions around the world waiting in line, paying their fees, wanting to get here and would be proud to be an American. Instead, you want to let those that push to the front, that want to use us to take our welfare, food stamps, and take jobs from Americans get ahead of those waiting. That's the not types of immigrants I want here. We already have tons of them in the border states. Uneducated, unwilling to learn English or a trade but more than willing to take our money, and still associating with their homeland after decades here.
BTW, those waiting have children too. But they also have dignity and honor and respect.
To: skeeter
As far as 'doing something' about the problem, how about we remove incentives for illegals flowing in? No ER primary care, no anchor babies, no jobs, no access to taxpayer funded amenities, etc etc. The problem is OVER. Fixed. Solved. No huge expenditure or 'rounding em up in cattle cars' required. The citizenry would LOVE it. Liberal CA voted on exactly this one decade ago. An activist judge shot it down. I think the entire landscape of the country would be completely different now if the voters were allowed to prevail.
To: sitetest
You don't think that at least some illegal immigrants to the United States from Latin America immigrate out of desperation to feed themselves or their families? I don't know whether it's 10% or 40% or 80%, but I think it's a good guess that some significant, measurable number of these folks were struggling to keep body and soul together in their home countries.
Then lets just void all laws that stop people from feeding their families - shoplifting, bank robbery, home invasions - they all serve to feed the children, after all.
To: CottonBall
Prop 187, 1994 was the year I realized my state, if not my country, might not be as free as I was taught it was.
posted on
06/19/2012 4:22:29 PM PDT
To: raulgomez05
Today Limbaugh declared that Rubio would be president one day.
Not where I’m concerned. It would be a disaster. I’m tired of pretty boys that are all mouth, ears, hair and teeth and nothing in between. I’m also sick and tired of foreigners. Say what you will, he is a foreigner to me.
posted on
06/19/2012 4:26:36 PM PDT
(You've been screwed by your government.)
To: skeeter; CottonBall
Prop 187, 1994 was the year I realized my state, if not my country, might not be as free as I was taught it was. BINGO!
Never forget CA prop 187.
It's when I too realized the government had no damn intention of securing our borders, and were operating like a dictatorship.
The state and their fedgov co-conspirators, after Californians won big, declared their free election illegal and burned the ballots.
posted on
06/19/2012 6:02:21 PM PDT
(Diversion and evasion are tools of deceit)
To: AuntB
"How stupid can some Americans possibly be?"That' why NONE of the education "reform" plans ever come close to working.
posted on
06/19/2012 6:04:18 PM PDT
Theodore R.
(Past is prologue: The American people again let us down in this election cycle.)
To: atc23
Quit yer crying. Better men than we are have died for much less. Many good men have died for protecting the very same Constitution this pResident nullifies and spits on daily. That's not crying that's stating the facts - facts any real conservative would agree with and many Americans for that matter unless you are one of those living and breathing "Constitutionalists".
posted on
06/19/2012 6:24:06 PM PDT
(Should Obama recuse himself from making any decisions on immigration?)
To: ak267
Oh no, let Marco show his true color. You folks are being duped by a ‘conservative’ who shows allegiance to his race
Rubio was for amnesty in the very beginning, then he tempered his remarks so as not to offend the base. Now that he sees little backlash to illegal immigration his true color comes out.
posted on
06/19/2012 6:38:51 PM PDT
To: tsowellfan
Keep your piehole shut Rubio
Okay so the truth comes out. I want Rubio to keep talking. Better that we know the REAL Rubio now. I like him less and less the more this so called Conservative talks.
From the very beginning old Marco was for Bush’s amnesty. For awhile he shut his mouth for fear that it might hurt his rise in the Republican party. Now that he sees little opposition the REAL Rubio steps forward.
posted on
06/19/2012 6:43:33 PM PDT
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