So, as I wrote, Rubio’s bill doesn’t create a path to citizenship.
I don’t support Rubio’s bill. However, I must admit that it is very politically astute of him to introduce such a bill, since it (i) takes away from the pro-amnesty folks the only good poster children they have and (ii) doesn’t create a path to citizenship, which the Democrat DREAM Act does. Obama agrees that Rubio’s bill is brilliant politics, which is why he’s trying to keep it from coming to the Senate floor. And I think that we should debate this issue based on the facts, and facing realities, not by using slogans such as “RINO!” and “amnesty!” when such terms are not applicable.
The claim that it doesnt create a path to citizenship is missleading. As that excerpt says it treats the affected illegals like any legal immigrant with a green card who can apply for citizenship. which they as illegals do not have now.
Unless the bill bars citizenship, or sets a much higher bar than for those here legally with green cards, it gives a ‘path to citizenship’ where they have none now. Otherwise his plan must directly BAR citizenship
I know exactly why Republicans want to try to get the one-up on Dems on this, however it is short sighted as Obama’s pre-emption has shown.
I will never support a ‘path to citizenship’ bill unless there is a way to filter out those likely to be lifelong Dems (ie government handout voters) after they get it. .
This is just disingenuous on Rubios part. Once illegals are in the system there will be a huge clamor to change the Adjustment Of Status rules for the DREAM visa or whatever they will call it. Once AOS on a DREAM visa is allowed it is over. Game, set and match for La Rasa.
Rubio is playing a shell game. Don't be fooled. The end goal is full amnesty and EU style open borders.