So we should just roll over and accept totalitarianism?
Speak for yourself.
If action is not taken now, it is no longer a "slippery slope;" We will be staring into the abyss.
What if congress received 25,000,000 demands to impeach?
Possible? I actually think so. There must be at least twice that many working (non union), net taxpaying outraged American citizens left!
I did not say that Barack Hussein Obama should not be impeached, just that it is not a practical possibility to be entertained.
Either Barack Hussein Obama shall be in office in January, 2013, or he shall not. By getting a defined majority of voters to give a “no-confidence” vote in November, he may be removed from office. But to express that “no-confidence”, means necessarily giving a vote in FAVOR of Mitt Romney. There is no possible third party that could conceivably change the choice between Romney and Obama that America faces.
Many people do not like Romney on principle, but what is the alternative? Sure, the lesser of two evils, but the lesser of two evils is still, by definition, evil. Is there any such thing as unmitigated, unalloyed, universal GOOD that is available to mortal men? We are faced only with the choice of greater or less, and given that less evil is as close to “good” as we can get, grab at whatever straw floats by in the stream.
I wanted Michelle Bachmann. I wanted Herman Cain, I even switched to Rick Santorum. But all those drifted too far back to even be possibilities. By elimination, Mitt Romney is left, and while I had strong reservations that he would not carry the fight to Obama, he has been making the case for at least some positive reason to support him (primarily making Obamacare dead letter by executive order his first day in office), and by his performance on the stump - simple message, given with assurance, and not losing his cool before the press.
The same cannot be said of Obama. His message remains convoluted, he seems to be sometimes lost up there on the podium, and his press relations are definitely getting a little frayed. And even Bill Clinton seems to give Obama only faint praise, long regarded as a damning tactic.
Convention surprise - Obama steps aside for Herself, the Cold and Joyless, because the numbers are definitely crumbling for Obama, and the shock value would be to trigger and motivate the uncertain among the Democrat and left-leaning faithful.
If we have ever faced certain death, why, then, we wouldn’t survive, now would we.