My daughter could take almost anybody apart. Repeat - "almost".
There are a LOT of women out there today who could kick my butt, outrun me, out climb me, and so on. But when I was a 19 year old guy, it would have taken an accomplished and strong female athlete to get the better of me. (Note that doesn’t count those with martial arts training, kicking in the gonads and so on...)
But the average 19 year old girl would not have had a prayer against me in a physical struggle. Now, a strong female who could outperform the vast majority of her sex, yeah. She could probably have given me a run.
Problem is, there is always a large group of guys she won’t stand a chance against. In war, it is always about averages. Can your average soldier defeat their average soldier? When a situation is desperate, that is what I fear it comes down to.