To: ConservativeStatement
I am a heart patient, even had surgery, yet my doctors have never told me to avoid a 3 way.
22 posted on
06/12/2012 6:25:13 PM PDT by
(***YOU GAVE it to Obama. I would have voted for NEWT.~Just livin' life, my way~)
To: Gator113
I am a heart patient, even had surgery, yet my doctors have never told me to avoid a 3 way.Did you ask specifically about it?
To: Gator113
I am a heart patient, even had surgery, yet my doctors have never told me to avoid a 3 way. They should have said that if you need Viagra you probably shouldn't be taking it.
33 posted on
06/12/2012 8:37:07 PM PDT by
Mr Ramsbotham
(Laws against sodomy are honored in the breech.)
To: Gator113
It’s the 4-ways that’ll really get ya!
41 posted on
06/12/2012 9:03:58 PM PDT by
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