I would have paid a $1,000 to watch that/those debates. Newt would have left Dear Leader sniveling, bumbling, stammering, puddle of jello, melting on the floor.
One can only hope that Mitt (and his handlers) see the writing on the wall and keep growing their backbones.
Of course there will always be the Establishment RINO, wusses (and McCains) who will counsel caution, "civility" and "respect" for the office and candidate, not too mention the fear of being labeled "racist." Screw them; damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead.
I am still reading “the Amateur”. It’s opened my eyes even more on what a dud we have as Commander in Chief. We CAN NOT afford to make this mistake AGAIN. We can not vote based on skin color alone. BHO is unequipped, incompetent and insecure. Go get the book!
As for Mitt, he needs to charge like a rhino’s balls are on fire. All he needs to do is expose BHO’s weaknesses and incompetence. The people already know. Gloves need to come off. Now is NOT the time to be a p***y!