So you are ignoring the fact all the people in the barn heard the little girl scream?So, take your choice:
A:)the little girl screamed because she just wanted to.
B:)the girl screamed because it was almost lunch time and she wanted to eat
C:)The little girl screamed because some pervert was molesting her.
I pick C but that is just me. Maybe you can think of a better reason that she screamed.
I don't blame the father for pummeling him, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to cheer on vigilantism. I was once in a Walgreens, looking at shampoos and minding my own business. I looked up when a three year old girl pointed at me and started screaming. (By the way, I'm a middle age, middle class white woman.) I had no idea who the child was or what was going on with her. It turns out that I looked like some family member who I presume is a nasty person. Understandably, people — including the child's mother — ran to the aisle to find out what was going on. The mother figured out right away what was upsetting the little girl and told everyone I hadn't done anything. But the other adults knew only that the little girl had screamed and was pointing at me. I guess I'm lucky a man in the crowd didn't beat me to death.