Legalize the damn stuff and end this insanity
I can support marijuana legalization under if:
1. All marijuana sold in the U.S. is grown in the U.S. by licensed farmers through a competitive bidding process.
2. Marijuana cigarettes (which might include filter tips) and other products are produced and packaged by licensed companies under federal and or state law and inspection.
3. Marijuana products are distributed and sold by licensed vendors with a commercial pipeline similar to tobacco and liquor.
4. The marijuana industry and its consumers are subject to taxes and fees at federal, state and local levels.
Though narcotics get the headlines, marijuana accounts for 60 percent of Mexican cartel exports into the U.S.
By legalizing and commercializing the U.S. marijuana market the criminal justice system could narrow its focus to more dangerous drugs. The production of bulk, untaxed marijuana by unlicensed growers would be treated as a tax violation the way moonshine whiskey is.