To: samtheman
But, as any of the Founders would agree with, it is your right to flush your vote down whatever toilet you see fit. We are, after all, the Land of the Free. (That is, until Obamugabe gets a second term.)
The GOP-e should have thought of that before they began their fraudulent primary process, now shouldn't they?
Now you just go right ahead and dive into the harbor and save as much of that tea as you can, good citizen.
Unlike you, some of us refuse to play the political game of Three Card Monte, and know exactly how to deal with an overreaching Kenyan thug and when push comes to shove, we will.
Just like our Founders did.
100 posted on
06/10/2012 9:18:05 PM PDT by
(Eternal Vigilance (aka FReeper Tom Hoefling) has my vote for President in 2012.)
To: mkjessup
The GOP-e should have thought of that before they began their fraudulent primary process, now shouldn't they?
Oh, please.
Give me your location and I'll call you a waaaaaaaaaaambulance.
Here's a fact:
The day Santorum dropped out of the race (April 10?) here was the vote count:
Romney: approx 5 million votes
Non-Romney/non-Paul: approx 6 million votes
That means that conservative voters (not even counting Ron Paul voters, at least some of whom must be considered conservatives) out-voted Romney 6 million to 5 million.
Now, who's fault is it that we didn't unite and beat Romney?
Is it the fault of someone else, or the fault of ourselves?
Like I said, give me your location and I'll call you a waaaaaaaaaaaaaamublance. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson