The very first beginning of The Holocaust was a National Socialist program called “The T4 Action”, and it was run by physicians who decided whether the individual’s life was “worth living”. If not, the crippled, mentally ill, “retarded”, and so forth were killed, at first by lethal injection or starvation but later in gas chambers disguised as showers. I’ll re-emphasize that the program was run by physicians as part of the National Socialist health care system. It “euthanized” over 100,000 humans before they started in on Jews and Poles.
The very first beneficiary of this “Biology in Life” effort was a young boy.
All quite scientific and rationalized.
We seem to be starting T4 even earlier, before the child is born. A related story is the one in which over 3800 genetic problems can be determined based on samples of the mother’s blood and father’s buccal DNA sample.
I remember reading about this. All statists and collectivists think the same.
As for you, of course you know, the “bureauKaRat” so called “scientist” knows much better than YOU who is fit to live and who is not.
Pedestrian prol you are. /s>
Good information on T4 and the point of the medical profession.
I listed one before, but these two films gave me the best understanding of the core of Nazism - and I’ve read a very great deal about it over the years. These films very well done and most people are unaware of a great deal of this history.
Homo Sapiens 1900
Architecture of Doom