“Not to mention the just-revealed news that the rip crew that killed BP Agent Brian Terry was there with DEA and FBI assistance and approval to attack and kill a rival cartel’s smuggling crew.”
Whoa! Got a link for this?
FBI Criminal Informant Complicit in Brian Terrys Death (PJM Exclusive)The rip crew was in Peck Canyon that evening with the intention of stealing money and drugs from a specific shipment of which they had prior knowledge.
The rip crew knew to be in Peck Canyon that December evening because a CI working for the FBI found out about a smuggling run from the FBI.
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) through its own CIs and communications intercepts was also aware of the planned assault.
Neither the DEA nor FBI warned Border Patrol about the expected criminal activity.
The federal government will still not reveal if one of the two WASR-10 AK-pattern semi-automatic rifles located near the scene provided to the Sinaloa cartel via Operation Fast and Furious was the weapon that put a bullet through Brian Terrys heart. The existence of a third recovered gun, an SKS carbine, has been disputed by the FBI despite the fact it had been talked about openly in the beginning of the investigation among federal agents.
Multiple sources tell PJM that this third weapon disappeared because it was the weapon carried by the FBI CI who ran the rip crew. When it was recovered near the scene of the murder and subsequently traced by the ATF, it traced back to the FBI CI via the gun shop in Texas where it was purchased.