Vicki McKenna also talked to someone who claimed that they were accepting water bills addressed to OCCUPANT as evidence of residency for same day registration.
Vicki McKenna also talked to someone who claimed that they were accepting water bills addressed to OCCUPANT as evidence of residency for same day registration.”””
This alone is fishy.
I have been a full charge bookkeeper for over 35 years.
I have processed many bills for payment from companies as large as Universal Studios Phonograph Record Division to businesses where there is just the owner working, such as a machine shop or crankshaft grinder.
I have NEVER——I repeat—NEVER— seen any utility bill from any location addressed to “OCCUPANT”.
First off, you have to ID yourself & put down a refundable deposit just to get utilities turned on!!! Bills get sent to the responsible person at the correct address by the utility company!!!
IF any election official in ANY state in the USA is accepting such ID, this is a total travesty!!!
It must cease immediately.