You’re welcome.
Our founders knew history and philosophy. They knew that a pure democracy was one of the worst forms of government because it culminates in mob rule and anarchy. Still some sense of people deciding who will represent them was essential.
On the other hand a government must secure and protect rights. The most successful form of government that can accomplish this is a ‘republic’. Re-Public connotes ‘rule of law’.
I construe the liberal lamenting about ‘losing our democracy’ was in fact meaning ‘losing our power within the democratic election process’. Surely the democratic aspect of elections is not at all lost. So the lament was simply loser talk.
Thanks for you reply, and expanding on your first reply.
Allow me to clip your quote to me so as to focus attention on my question.
You write: “ - - - They knew that a pure democracy was one of the worst forms of government because it culminates in mob rule and anarchy. - - - - On the other hand a government must secure and protect rights. - - - - Re-Public connotes rule of law. - - - “
My question: If THE NINE SUPREMES have democratic veto power over ‘the rule of law,’ (commonly by a 5 to 4 vote), then, in the final analysis, are indeed a Representative Republic, or even a Republic?