Most people who rant that Social Security is a free ride, forget that the Social Security fund was raided to pay for yesterdays and today's political solutions that they benefited from, instead of being left as a retirement fund for the future.
The very ones who complain about the free ride, rode Social Security into the ground for free! Let them pay back all the monies taken for their darling political projects to protect green frogs or study sexual habits of Chinese hookers, then Social Security will have plenty for the people that deposited into it their entire lives.
This is the worst damn thing that's ever been foisted on this country. People need to realize the Supreme Court has ruled that no one has any legal claim to a dime that they've put into it. It totally depends on the good graces (yeah right) of the Federal government.
Frankly, I'll be surprised to ever see a dime of it back. Just makes me want to puke.
Benefits must be cut.