You may very well be right, there's certainly precedent.
My thinking is that "The One" likes campaigning rather than actually holding office. He'll make campaign appearances for other candidates, but I can envision him hosting an Oprah Winfrey type of show, if it wouldn't cut into his golfing and vacation time.
“O” is a perennial debutante....
All his BS life “O” was ‘always a bridesmaid, but never a bride’ and when he finally became the ‘bride’ he was forced into a situation where he had to parlay his character and ‘education’ (such as they may be understood) into action.
He could NOT and never WILL accomplish this!
Since he never had to perform was never compelled to account for himself or for his own valuation OF himself he does not have the habit or the inclination to BE the man he has marketed to supporters or to anyone else!