I dunno. She probably helped out her team a great deal with that first-place finish in the 1600.
impimp, you've got to quit getting your "news" from the likes of GAyBCNews or the other ObamaNationPropaganda outlets. The GAyBC article follows The Narrative, and leaves out other important facts.
I get my news from The UK Daily Mail (They Didn't Get The WH FAX/memo!) or RT (Russia Today) (Max Keiser & Lauren Lyster for the politically incorrect economic news!).
The heart-warming picture that inspired millions: Photo of high school runner who carries opponent across finish line becomes internet sensation
...Ms Vogel, who had won the 1,600-meter race earlier, said she was emotional and tired from that when she began the longer race...
The UK Daily Mail also usually has scads of good pictures, too. The American "news" outlets skimp on the pictures because it's harder to control the message when the proles can make their own visual judgments.