If that gets me beat up... I'll get beat up.
We’ve been here along time together. This election is like no other. Doesn’t even compare to 2000. So much is at stake. Romney is greasy as a ball bearing as the wheel on a 1987 boat trailer. However, I refuse to allow this foreigner to win re-election. Suck up your pride(I am) and vote for Romney.
BTW, did Hannity indicate Neil Bortz is running for office in a subtle way yesterday on his show?
We’ve been here along time together. This election is like no other. Doesn’t even compare to 2000. So much is at stake. Romney is greasy as a ball bearing as the wheel on a 1987 boat trailer. However, I refuse to allow this foreigner to win re-election. Suck up your pride(I am) and vote for Romney.
BTW, did Hannity indicate Neil Bortz is running for office in a subtle way yesterday on his show?