Now, if only our men did not have to risk their lives to save naive idealistic white europeans (and Americans) who insert themselves into charity work and vactions in remote hellholes like Afghanistan and Somalia, where they are practically begging to be kidnapped
11 posted on 3 June, 2012 8:00:15 AM ADT by silver leaf
Well said Silverleaf. This borders on criminal negligence. The one rescued should have to pay for the cost of the rescue operation.
While echoing everyones praise of the soldiers serving in Afghanistan, the assorted aid workers - medics, missionaries, agriculturalists and engineers are the real frontline. They are there because they are the ones who give the lie to the Talibans accusations of western crusaders and western cruelty and oppression and neo-colonialism. Thats why the Taliban go out of their way to kill or kidnap them. They are scared of our military ok, but they are REALLY scared of our aid workers, because they are the ones who have the ability to drag the country out of the sixth century. Once ordinary Afghans get used to thinking and doing for themselves, thats the end for the Islamists. And they know it.