To be fair, Drew, they would prefer neither. but that is not what is going to happen. It will be one or the other.
I will to vote for Romney despite his record...and his record is not ALL bad, but it does have very non-conservative aspects to it.
Thta’s why I supported Sarah, Cain, Santorum, and the Newt in the primaries in that order. But Romney won.
Now, as the list of endorseres in this thread shows, all of those people and many, many more are enddorsing and supporting Romney because the grasp the simple fact that either romney or Obama will be President.
Critical Endorsements for Mitt Romney
All of the hand wringing, all of the desire for it not to be so, all of the religious posts about Romney, all of the anti-mormon post about him, none of that will matter. It will be one or the other, either Romney or Obama.
And Romney, despite his past, has indicated that he has changed, and has been running on a platform of issues that support that change for the last five years. And when you look at that platform, the same one he is ommitting to to all of these very prominant endorseres, it is not a bad platform at all.
Mitt Romney in 2012 on the Issues
I submit he will have no choice but to follow keep those commitments. And if he does and we also deliver a majority House and Senate, the US will undergo a HUGE turnaround, and he and his admin will get a lot of the credit, and he will get elected to four more years of the same.
Why would he jeopardize that? Why would he turn 180 degrees away from that?
Answer...he will not.
We have absolutely no chance of expriencing or witnessing any of that with Obama. He will dig in his marxist heals and double down on all he has been doing in his first four years.
We cannot allow that to happen and that is why, I too, am supporting Mitt Romney now for President.
Jeff, if the 2012 Republican primaries have any moral to them, it's that conservative influence over the party is at its nadir.
If Romney wins, it will be in spite of conservatives, not because of them. Over and over again, he's made appointments and statements that indicate that he is simply not interested in my vote. So he's not going to get it. This, coupled with his record as Governor, makes him unacceptable.
Those who think he'll somehow tack right and stay there if he's elected because his feet will be held to the fire by those who are actively being ostracized from party politics need to think again. Romney will control the party apparatus.