Actually, there is a correlation. Rising temps have been shown by ice core data to be followed by a rise in CO2 concentration. In other words, CO2 rises always lag behind rises in temperature, by a fairly noticeable margin.
About 800 years, plus or minus a few centuries. But that is a minor effect of rising or falling temperatures. The current rise in CO2 would have required about 7C in warming (a 16K increase would cause roughly a doubling of CO2). So the bulk of the increase can be seen to be man made.
” - - - Actually, there is a correlation.”
Correlation in based on statistical INFERENCE, not Cause and Effect.
Science requires cause and effect testing.
Statistics have their place in politics, but not in the testing of an hypothesis in Science.
BTW, what was the first article that you have read on Global Warming that did NOT use Statistical Correlation or The Null Hypothesis as a “Test” of Global Warming?