I have been educated. I now believe dog pop enemas are a cure for cancer. Combined with skittles and iced tea. The key to the new treatment is in the dog poop and doing away with sugar and Crisco. Never mind that we have seen childhood leukemia go from fatal to 95% cure and the addition of monoclonal antibodies adding 20-30% increases to long term cures in the last 10 years. Lets ignore the fact that indolent lymphomas that were incurable are now being cured in the early stages. Don't even consider the fact that high dose chemo combined with all or auto BMT have significant cure rates and even have been found to cure other ailments and even possibly active Aids. Lets also ignore that some cutting edge trials going on today are showing even greater success while reducing toxicity. The research in things CD47 and the markers have a proven record. Also ignore the fact that there are now millions of cured cancer patients in the US alone. Those are long term cures! But we need a piss test and glucose measurements to verify we really are cured, not the fact that death would occur in months if not cured. Next you you be singing the praises of DCA as a cure all.
The hidden truth is dog poop enemas are the only cure all others are just greedy money making scams. My oncologist who lost his child to cancer sacrificed him for the money. How about the doctor i know whom lost his wife. Was he just too lazy to pick up the dog poop and was addicted to Crisco? He must be a jew and I didn't even know it. To think all he had to do is pick up some free dot feces and throw away the sugar and Crisco.
Wow. And when I say people are idiots, my comment gets pulled. I stand by my pulled comment. The ignorance on this thread is *#%sing amazing