I think his ‘people’ put the wrong thing on the teleprompter.
...and that’s the problem - Obama and his advisors really are extremely unknowledgable in simple things. They are so ‘educated’, they don’t have time to learn simple things.
This allows them to believe the fantasy that marxism works...they literally don’t know any better.
These people dangerous, and dangerously not like us mere commoners.
Corpse Man comes to mind.
I would like to do a challenge with Obama, and his national security advisors - give them a deck of 10 enlisted ranks, and 10 officer ranks, and see if they can even put them in order. I’d bet the farm that none of them could. Its too mundane for them.
With all the harm this loser is doing to the country, the last thing I think we should worry about is his calling a death camp in Poland a “polish death camp”
Libtards would GLADLY let us focus on the trivial (like this)
I can understand some mispeaking - I think way too often it’s a game of “gotcha”. But this was a teleprompter, someone should have caught it.
The reason I think there is so much indignation in Poland is that O has been disrespecting them since day one. Papers there were headlining “Stabbed in the back” since 2010.
People who think Obama is loved overseas are only looking at tyrannical countries like Venezuela or far left socialist countries, or black or Muslim countries. Countries like Israel, Poland and England think he’s a jerk. He doesn’t care about them and they are well aware if it.
It would have sounded thusly "a medical corpseman in a Polish death camp."
‘Misspoke’, implies he is aware of the facts and inadvertently expressed himself badly.
Actually, he does NOT know the historic facts about a great deal... and wouldn't HIMSELF know one way or another if he expressed anything properly!
The frequency with which this kind of stuff happens tells us that “O” has monstrous gaps in his understanding of some of the most basic and fundamental information that anyone presuming to lead this country OUGHT to possess and should be able to readily and naturally articulate, as second nature... These ‘gaps’ are NOT just information about historical facts either!!!
“O” wants desperately for the world to take him at his OWN valuation of himself but has not and CANNOT ever demonstrate what that IS!!!
As a person and as a leader he is inert and inept...
Of course he did. He is an idiot, dope-smoking, cocaine sniffing, turd!
Bill Clinton’s description of him as an amateur seems to becoming more accurate every day.
Gee, this “writer” put a lot of time into composing this.
President Barack Obama “misspoke” when he called a Nazi facility used to process Jews for execution as a “Polish death camp,” a White House official told the news agency AFP. [Why is “as” in that sentence? — Bigg Red]
The verbal gaffe came as the president was honoring to a famous Pole, Jan Karski, posthumously awarding him a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s highest civilian award. [Why is “to” in that sentence? — Bigg Red]
Sorry, I could not read any further, as my brain was in too much pain.
Ever hear Obama say anything bad about the Nazi’s?.
You mean like Carter did when he told them that he carnally desired their walls?
But there's more to the Jan Karski story than what is mentioned in the posted article, and it brings up a historical subject that Obama and Democrats in general tend to avoid like the plague.
That would be the historical fact that Jan Karski came to Washington during WWII and had a face-to-face talk with President Franklin D. Roosevelt regarding his direct observations of the atrocities within those death camps in Poland. Karski is believed to be the first eyewitness to what later became known as the Nazi Holocaust to have met with Roosevelt, yet Roosevelt had undoubtly gotten information earlier through various other channels. Karski also met around this time with assorted other Washington power brokers.
The bottom line is that despite the efforts of Karski and others of good will, the Roosevelt Administration's record regarding the saving of lives of Holocaust targets was dismal, as it squandered opportunity after opportunity to use its power to help.