Back in the 1970’s when the bleeding-heart, anti-American, anti-middle class liberals proposed allowing criminals out of jail early to easy the burden of our prisons, when conservatives pushed back for fear that it would put more violent criminals, rapists, and murderers on the streets, the liberals retorted with:
“That is Sensationalist Hysteria.”
This, just like the “-ist” ad hominem attack, has become part of the standard ammunition of liberals who are trying to inflict harm on America and the middle class.
Back in the 1970s when the bleeding-heart, anti-American, anti-middle class liberals proposed allowing criminals out of jail early to easy the burden of our prisons, when conservatives pushed back for fear that it would put more violent criminals, rapists, and murderers on the streets, the liberals retorted with:
That is Sensationalist Hysteria.
This, just like the -ist ad hominem attack, has become part of the standard ammunition of liberals who are trying to inflict harm on America and the middle class.
I notice that not a single word of your reply actually addresses my argument. I'm confident that other readers notice that, too.